Room 20 was very interested in OUR LITTLE GARDENS. We have been looking after our own planter boxes around our room and they are looking fabulous. We have nurtured our own seedlings and they have been planted in the School Gardens. It's really important to water them at this time of year as the wind and sun are drying out the ground quite quickly!
Maths is fun outside as well. We have been checking out our learning from earlier in the year because we need to practice, practice, practice! Today we were given a challenge to measure lengths over 4 metres using a metre ruler only.
We had to remember where to start on the ruler and move it carefully and measure accurately. We also recorded the length in mm, cm, and m. We talked about standard units of measure and which unit would suit certain items to measure. We wouldn't use millimetres to measure the distance to the beach because it would take too long so what would we use instead? We had some great reasons and discussion. We also talked about how to record the measurements using our knowledge of place value - thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. If we miss out a zero the measurement could go wrong and that would have a really big impact on our everyday lives.
Talk to your children at home and explain how measurement affects your decisions, will my car fit into that parking space? I have to estimate. Will that new desk fit into our lounge?