Thursday 12 May 2016

Our Epic Enviro BreakOut

Today Room 20 persevered and problem solved to complete the Enviro BreakOut with Mrs Daniel. Here's what they said about it:

"We were finding the clues. I liked the part when we wrote them down, cause we were reading carefully". Siena

"It was epic!" Hayden

"I liked finding the clues, because it felt like finding treasure. I used the alphabet to crack the code. I counted to H and it was 8. I figured it out." Dean

"You have to use your brain, 'cause it is a riddle." Olivia

"It was fun to run around in the fresh air." Brodie

"You have to work hard to find the answers." Jessica

"We were looking behind trees and bushes." Chloe C

I felt fun and excited. I couldn't wait til we found the last clue." Jacob

I enjoyed it, because when i got to the last one I felt happy because i did all of them." Joshua

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